About this course
This course is meant to help you discover your passion for front-end design by creating a small personal project. This course has 8 lessons, and 1 text lesson where you will be able to try 5 challenges in HTML and CSS, if you want.

What will you learn
from this course
You will learn basic things like heading levels, different types of text, or how to change the background color, all the way to more important things like how to create a form or a navigation bar.

Who is this course for?
This course is for everyone interested in front-end development. With this fast course, every student is able to see what front-end development looks like when working with HTML & CSS.

Course curriculum
What you will see in this course
New Chapter
Lesson 1 ~ level headings
Lesson 2 ~ lists, images, and texts
Lesson 3 ~ tables
Lesson 4 ~ link pages
Lesson 5 ~ forms
Lesson 6 ~ the navbar
Lesson 7 ~ basic CSS code
Lesson 8 ~ HTML & CSS challenges (optional)
Final lesson