What You Can Expect from This Course

When you enroll in this course, you’re signing up for a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to mastering algorithms, designed to help you succeed in coding interviews and boost your programming skills. Whether you're preparing for a technical interview, looking to advance your career, or simply wanting to deepen your understanding of data structures and algorithms, this course provides everything you need to feel confident tackling complex coding problems.

In-Depth Lessons with Clear Explanations
Expect detailed lessons that break down 75 essential LeetCode problems. Each lesson includes a thorough explanation of the algorithm at hand, followed by a step-by-step breakdown of the solution in C++. You’ll not only learn how to solve each problem but also understand why each approach works, giving you the tools to handle similar challenges in the future. The course is structured to build your knowledge progressively, starting with easier problems and advancing to more difficult ones, ensuring you grasp both the fundamentals and more advanced concepts.

Interactive and Engaging Learning
Learning algorithms can be daunting, but this course uses modern animations to make it more engaging and intuitive. Expect to see complex concepts visualized in real-time, allowing you to better understand how algorithms work under the hood. These visual aids are designed to make the learning process smoother and more enjoyable, turning abstract ideas into clear, actionable knowledge. Alongside the animations, you'll have access to interactive quizzes that will test your knowledge, ensuring you retain what you've learned and are ready for the next challenge.

Skills for Real-World Success
This course isn’t just about passing interviews—it's about acquiring skills that will serve you throughout your career as a software developer. Expect to gain practical experience in solving problems with efficiency and clarity, skills that are highly valued in the industry. Whether you're a beginner looking to build a strong foundation or an experienced developer aiming to refine your skills, the knowledge you’ll gain from this course will equip you to handle real-world coding challenges with confidence.

By the end of this course, you’ll have mastered 75 crucial algorithms, sharpened your problem-solving abilities, and become proficient in writing clean, efficient code in C++. You'll be better prepared for technical interviews, ready to tackle any coding challenge, and confident in your ability to deliver high-quality solutions in professional environments.

Course curriculum

  • 2

    Array / String

    • #1 - 1768. Merge Strings Alternately

    • #2 - 1071. Greatest Common Divisor of Strings

    • #3 - 1431. Kids with the Greatest Number of Candies

    • #4 - 605. Can Place Flowers

    • #5 - 345. Reverse Vowels of a String

    • #6 - 151. Reverse Words in a String

    • #7 - 238. Product of Array Except Self

    • #8 - 334. Increasing Triplet Subsequence

    • #9 - 443. String Compression

  • 3

    Two Pointers

    • #10 - 283. Move Zeroes

    • #11 - 392. Is Subsequence

    • #12 - 11. Container with Most Water

    • #13 - 1679. Max Number of K-Sum Pairs

  • 4

    Sliding Window

    • #14 - 643. Maximum Average Subarray I

    • #15 - 1456. Maximum Number of Vowels in a Substring of Given Length

    • #16 - 1004. Max Consecutive Ones III

    • #17 - 1493. Longest Subarray of 1's After Deleting One Element

  • 5

    Prefix Sum

  • 6

    Hash Map / Set

  • 7


    • #24 - 2390 - Removing Stars from a String

    • #25 - 735. Asteroid Collision

    • #26 - 394. Decode String

  • 8


    • #27- 933. Number of Recent Calls

    • #28 - 649. Dota2 Senate

  • 9

    Linked List

  • 10

    Binary Tree - DFS

    • #33 - 104. Maximum Depth of a Binary Tree

    • #34 - 872. Leaf-Similar Trees

    • #35 - 1448. Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree

    • #36 - 437. Path Sum III

    • #37 - 1372. Longest ZigZag Path in a Binary Tree

    • #38 - 236. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree

  • 11

    Binary Tree - BFS

    • #39 - 199. Binary Tree Right Side View

    • #40 - 1161. Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree

  • 12

    Binary Search Tree

    • #41 - 700. Search in a Binary Search Tree

    • #42 - 450. Delete Node in a BST

  • 13

    Graphs - DFS

    • #43 - 841. Keys and Rooms

    • #44 - 547. Number of Provinces

    • #45 - 1466. Reorder Routes to Make All Paths Lead to the City Zero

    • #46 - 399. Evaluate Division

  • 14

    Graphs - BFS

    • #47 - 1926. Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze

    • #48 - 994. Rotting Oranges

  • 15

    Heap / Priority Queue

    • #49 - 215. Kth Largest Element in an Array

    • #50 - 2336. Smallest Number in Infinite Set

    • #51 - 2542. Maximum Subsequence Score

    • #52 - 2462. Total Cost to Hire K Workers

  • 16

    Binary Search

    • #53 - 374. Guess Number Higher or Lower

    • #54 - 2300. Successful Pairs of Spells and Potions

    • #55 - 162. Find Peak Element

    • #56 - 875. Koko Eating Bananas

  • 17


    • #57 - 17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number

    • #58 - 216. Combination Sum III

  • 18

    DP - 1D

    • #59 - 1137. N-th Tribonacci Number

    • #60 - 746. Min Cost Climbing Stairs

    • #61 - 198. House Robber

    • #62 - 790. Domino and Tromino Tiling

  • 19

    DP - Multidimensional

  • 20

    Bit Manipulation

    • #67 - 338. Counting Bits

    • #68 - 136. Single Number

    • #69 - 1318. Minimum Flips to Make a OR b Equal to c

  • 21


    • #70 - 208. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)

    • #71 - 1268. Search Suggestions System

  • 22


    • #72 - 435. Non-overlapping Intervals

    • #73 - 452. Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons

  • 23

    Monotonic Stack

    • #74 - 739. Daily Temperatures

    • #75 - 901. Online Stock Span

  • 24


    • Congratulations!


I'm Ana Negreanu-Maior, and I'll be your guide in this course. Together with the LAN Academy team, which includes Lucia and Adrian Negreanu-Maior, I will help you work through the "75-problem challenge" from LeetCode, all in C++. This course is designed for beginners, with every solution explained step by step, making each algorithm easier to understand and master.

Social proof: testimonials

This course completely changed my approach to problem-solving!

Andrei Cristian, Student CS, București

I was struggling to understand data structures and algorithms in C++, and LeetCode felt intimidating. This course provided me with a clear and logical problem-solving approach, with step-by-step explanations and animations that made the concepts easy to grasp. After completing it, I significantly improved my problem-solving speed and successfully passed the technical tests for my dream internship!

A must-have course for anyone preparing for technical interviews!

Mihai, Junior Developer, Timișoara

I've taken several online courses, but this one is by far the clearest, most well-structured, and effective! Each problem is explained logically and visually, and the interactive animations make understanding algorithms so much easier. After completing this course, I started solving LeetCode problems much faster and with greater confidence. If you want to increase your chances of landing your dream job, don’t hesitate! 💡 It’s a small investment with a huge impact on your career! Think about it: acing just one interview could mean a salary 10x greater than the cost of this course! Don’t miss out – invest in yourself and your future!

From Confusion to Clarity – Now I Can Solve Any LeetCode Problem!

Daniel, Full-Stack Developer, London

Before taking this course, I would look at interview problems and have no idea where to start. I tried to find solutions, but everything seemed complicated and overwhelming. Now, thanks to clear explanations and a structured methodology, I've learned how to break down complex problems into simple, logical steps, how to approach them efficiently, and how to optimize my solutions like a pro. This course isn’t just about algorithms – it’s about learning to think like a real software engineer! 💡 If you want to become a better programmer, improve your interview performance, and gain a real career advantage, this course is for you! It’s not just an investment in a course – it’s an investment in your professional future!

Leetcode series

Master Algorithms with Practical Insights, Visual Learning, and Career-Boosting Skills

  • Learning by DoingInteractive Animations

    Master essential algorithms through hands-on learning with detailed explanations and step-by-step C++ solutions. Each problem is broken down to make learning intuitive and easy.

  • Interactive Animation

    Every lesson is accompanied by modern animations that help you visualize complex concepts. Learn algorithms faster with clear, visual explanations.

  • Career - Ready Skills

    Get ready for technical interviews at top companies! With 75 LeetCode problems carefully selected and solved, this course will help you confidently tackle industry challenges.

What You'll Gain From This Course:

  • Master 75 Essential LeetCode Problems: Gain in-depth knowledge of the most important algorithms.

  • Step-by-Step C++ Solutions: Understand how to solve complex problems with efficient code.

  • Interactive Animations: Visualize algorithms in action for a deeper understanding.

  • Quizzes to Test Your Knowledge: Reinforce your learning with targeted quizzes after key lessons.

  • Interview Preparation Guide: Equip yourself with the tools and strategies to ace technical interviews.

  • Real-World Coding Skills: Apply your knowledge to real-world programming challenges.